Frederic F. Bullard: The Pigtail (ca. 1901)

• SATB choir with piano. [English] 2½′

Edited by Dean Crocker, 2008

Download a PDF of the score.

To the best of my knowledge, this music is in the public domain in the United States of America. I can not guarantee it to be in the public domain elsewhere. This music is not intended for distribution in any jurisdiction where it is not in the public domain. If you live in an area where this music is still protected copyright, please do not download it!

Previously published, copyright 1901 by C. C. Birchard & Company, Boston, Mass.

Frederic Field Bullard , 1864/09/21 (Boston)–1904/06/24. Critic and composer, studied composition with Rheinberger in Munich. Taught composition and worked as a critic in Boston. Known primarily for part-songs and church music.

There lived a sage in days of yore,
And he a handsome pigtail wore;
But wondered much and sorrowed more
Because it hung behind him…

—William Makepeace Thackeray (1811–1863)
(from the German by Adelbert von Chamisso)

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This Edition of Frederic Field Bullard’s The Pigtail by Dean Crocker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
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Photo of Dean in Wien